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Get Your YouTube Video on Trending Follow Simple Strategy

In case you are not very well accustomed with YouTube algorithms, then it might seem that it is complete luck to get your YouTube video trending. Well, whereas to some extent this is true. It is pure luck that works out. One night after uploading a video on YouTube you sleep a peaceful sleep, and the next morning out of the blue you found out that you have become an internet sensation. But such is the rarest stance. More often than not it is a lot of planning and working strategically towards achieving a goal; in this case to make your video trending.

The first and foremost rule is that don’t create videos for the sake of creating videos. Do proper research, market planning, if you are a brand trying to expand its reach, engage with a wider section of the audience, then this is more than important for you to take into consideration.

It does not happen on one day (or does it? That is for us to discuss later in the article. Keep reading to discover for yourself). Essentially there are a lot of factors that play hand in hand to make a YouTube video trending. In a nutcase, it indeed is the YouTube algorithm. But in the case of YouTube, you can perform small teaks here and there in your videos and stats to make them a better fit for the platform.

Mainly it focuses on the watch time, channel consistency, and video length.

Now for those of you who are getting confused about these colloquial YouTube phrases, let’s break these for you:

Watch time: Watch time consists of; number of views on your videos, duration for which the video has been viewed along with other stats.

Channel consistency: Channel consistency takes into consideration the frequency of your activity. YouTube focuses on promoting channels over an individual video. Not only that, but people also tend to visit the channel for more alike content if they like the video they just watched.

Video length: Unlike Instagram, on YouTube people tend to engage more with longer videos than shorter videos. Henceforth, you might consider creating a detailed video, instead of one that will end soon as it starts.

Now as we discuss these factors it is just natural to get curious that what’s the moto that YouTube has behind setting these exact stances for algorithms, given that YouTube pays you for your content. (On a side note, if you haven’t started earning money by posting videos on YouTube, then you might want to consider giving this article a read; “Three Ways to Monetize Your YouTube Channel and Start Earning Money”.) Well, the only moto YouTube has is to engage new viewers and keep them hooked on the platform, going back and forth, from one video to another, for as long as possible.

Now all of that being said, it’s time for all the good tips and great tricks to help you to get you YouTube video on trending.

Pay attention to the promotion

More often than not people feel sceptical about it. But remember, it is all about how well you market yourself and your content. You can also opt for paid promotion. However, if you do so, make sure to promote your videos within 3 days of is release. Apart from paid promotion, you can promote your video through your social media channels, blogs, even though related video advertisements.

Make the thumbnail really engaging

It is the thumbnail that people will formerly notice. So, it is extremely important to make an engaging thumbnail. But it isn’t only about a static image. Choose an interesting part of the video for the snippet when someone hovers over the thumbnail. Also, come up with a really creative and attention-grabbing headline.

However, beware of using clickbait. These might work for a couple of times at first but surely won’t work out in long terms. Same goes with the snippet. Do not use a snippet that is only attractive, but has nothing to do with your videos.

Keep an eye at the search optimisation and visibility

The meta description, as technical as it may sound, is very important to properly optimise to reach out to the potential audience. The metadata includes description, title and tags. Similar to any other social media platform, tags, description and title plays a pretty important role on YouTube.

The description should be informative and crisp. Give your audience a brief about what they can expect from the video. But don’t end up explaining the whole video, then the purpose will be completely wasted.

Also, remember not to ever fill the description section with unnecessary tags. There is a separate section for it, thus, just make use of the spaces to the best potential.

Do whatever is possible to attract new audiences while retaining the old ones

YouTube is a platform where content is king and the audience are the ones to judge you going to face. So, it is more than important to do whatever is in your power to impress your audience. Follow all the tips and of course be consistent and creative with your content. But we can understand that it can be difficult at times. Just as much the platform is famous, the competition as well is pretty high. Therefore, we have the ultimate for you to employ to start growing on YouTube as soon as you start your channel.

One thing that is really appreciated in YouTube is YouTube video comments. But unless you have made a name for yourself, at times people can actually refrain from posting a comment on your videos. But here is what you can; on your initial days of YouTube journey, you can opt to Buy YouTube video comments. Socialize Club is such a website where you Buy real YouTube video comments and start growing your channel as soon as you mark your digital footprints on the platform. This can sound overwhelming and you can also be sceptical about it at first, however, let me ensure you that the potential of growth you will have with Socialize Club, you’ll have that with no other social Media marketing website. So, why waste any more time? Get started with Socialize Club right away!

1 thought on “Get Your YouTube Video on Trending Follow Simple Strategy”

  1. Pingback: How to Get Real YouTube Video Views to Grow your Channel

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